App Tip #4: Why Tagging Is Important The AYW Community App does a great job of alerting you via notifications when something of interest has been posted in a group you belong to. In order to keep your notifications manageable, it will not alert you when a member has commented on your reply or someone else has commented on a post you've also commented on. This is why tagging is important. If you have a specific question for me, a BTE, or another member, you need to tag them either in your post or your reply. When you tag an AYW Member, a notification will pop up alerting them that they have been tagged in a post, comment, or reply. Also, when you tag someone, make sure to choose them from the dropdown menu that appears and that their name goes bold. For example, @kelsnyder will not alert me to your tag. But @Kel Snyder will. Want more information about tagging members? Click the link below and choose "Posting & Notifications". #communityapptips

Posted by Kel Snyder at 2022-05-20 13:30:42 UTC