APP UPDATE - NEW FEATURE There is a new feature in the latest app update - Save Posts to Profile Now, you will be able to save a post, and it will show up inside of your profile right under your picture and stats (posts, followers, following). This is a great feature if something is shared inside the community and you want to refer to it later. Here's how it works. 1. Under each post, you will see a "save flag". When the post is something you want to refer to later, click the flag. It will go from white to pink. 2. Then go to your profile. This is the icon that has your picture on the upper left-hand side on the desktop or at the bottom of the app on mobile. Under your profile, you will see the posts you have saved. 3. If you no longer want to save the post, just click the three dots to the right and choose "Remove from saved items." This feature is currently available on desktop and will be rolling out to Apple and Android over the next couple of days. If you don't have the "automatically update app" setting turned on your mobile device, you will have to manually update your app through the App Store or Google Play.

Posted by Kel Snyder at 2024-01-22 17:25:47 UTC