Starting today, I'm going to be sharing some top app tips that you may or may not know about. The purpose is to help you get the most out of the app and also to tailor your app experience. :) Tip #1: Follow me and the BTEs. @Cindy Stowe @Melinda Leibel @Lorie Moehlman @Tina Smith @Lindsay Pasker @Wanda Urie @Alicia Wagner Following me and the BTEs ensures you receive a notification when we create a new post in the groups you belong to. We only post when we provide new information or visual examples, so our posts don't want to be missed. Want more information about following and notifications? Click the link below and choose the Posts & Notifications folder. #communityapptips

Posted by Kel Snyder at 2022-04-29 13:00:39 UTC