I need your help. This week, we published our fourth YouTube video to our new channel. The decision to go to YouTube was not taken lightly. It was a commitment of resources (both physical and financial to the bottom line) to make it a reality and to keep creating videos into 2024. But, it was a decision I made because you (graduates and students) asked for a better video player and more concise content while also allowing us to reach new potential students. Right now, we send out a link to new videos in our weekly newsletter and post the link in the community app to let you know a new video is available. And we will continue doing that as a service to you. But that traffic doesn't help us grow our channel. And this is where I need your help. If you haven't subscribed to the channel or liked/commented on the videos - could you please do that now? Subscriptions and liking/commenting on the videos lets YouTube know that the content I produce is valuable to their ecosystem and would be attractive to other people like you. It's a simple thing to do, but it pays big dividends for our channel. I appreciate any help you can provide. A link to our channel is linked below.

Posted by Kel Snyder at 2023-11-17 16:51:57 UTC