Do you use HOTMAIL, OUTLOOK, or MSN as your email provider? Please read. Action required. Email providers associated with Microsoft (HOTMAIL, OUTLOOK, or MSN) have decided our email IP address is SPAM and have not been delivering our emails to your account for the last three weeks. We have contacted our provider, and they are working with Microsoft, but the timetable for a resolution is unknown. (It will get resolved, but it could take one week or three months ... no one knows.) This means if you want to guarantee you'll receive our email, you will need to change your email address. Lindsay (our Customer Service Pro) will be contacting you directly via personal email (which should go through) later on today on the situation and your option for changing. You are welcome to wait for that email, or you can also take matters into your own hands and change your email in the Customer Center on the Member's Website. Once the email is updated, it will update in our system, and you should start receiving emails again. NOTE: Changing your email in the Customer Center will also change your Member's Site Log-In Username as well. The Customer Center is located at the top of the Dashboard when you first log in. We are SO SORRY for this inconvenience. I wish I could say this is unusual, but email is its own beast with its own set of rules that most of us have no ability to adjust or change. I appreciate your flexibility in this matter.

Posted by Kel Snyder at 2023-05-02 17:33:46 UTC